lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017

What's about Going to?

Going to is not a tense. It is a special structure that we use to talk about the future.
The structure of going to is:
The verb be is conjugated.
Iam goingto buya new car.
I'm goingto goswimming.

How do we use going to?

going to for intention

We use going to when we have the intention to do something. We have already made a decision before speaking. 
  • Jo has won the lottery. He says he's going to buy a Porsche.
  • We're not going to paint our bedroom tomorrow.

Resultado de imagen para going to

going to for prediction

We use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction is based on present evidence. We are saying what we think will happen. 
  • The sky is very black. It's going to snow.
  • It's 8.30! You're going to miss your train!

Resultado de imagen para going to

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