lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

What´s happening around the world

Russia: Anti-Putin protesters plan next move as jailed opponent considers election bid

Navalny, who was marched to his hearing handcuffed to a stout police officer, saw his appeal rejected, and will spend the next week behind bars, serving out a 15-day sentence after he was arrested at last weekend’s protest in Moscow, one of more than 1,000 people detained by police in the capital alone.
There were protests in dozens of Russian cities last Sunday, called by Navalny over allegations of corruption against prime minister Dmitry Medvedev.
They were the biggest since a wave of protests in 2011 and 2012, and for the first time since that wave was crushed there is an air of uncertainty on the Russian political scene.
Putin is widely expected to win another six-year term, which would take him to 2024 and almost a quarter-century of rule over Russia.

Alexei Navalny in court

Germany: Giant gold coin with Queen's head stolen from Berlin museum

A Canadian gold coin named “Big Maple Leaf” and bearing the image of Queen Elizabeth II was stolen from Berlin’s Bode Museum early on Monday.
The coin is pure gold, weighs about 100kg (221lb) and has a face value of C$1m (£590,000).
Police said it was probably stolen by a group of thieves who entered the museum undetected through a window, possibly with a ladder.

Big Maple Leaf gold coin

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Absolute location

navigators use lines of latitude and lines of longitude to locate places. Lines of latitude run east and west. Lines of longitude run north and south around the world. These lines create an imaginary graph paper on the Earth. They make it possible to find an exact point, even in the middle of the ocean.
Latitud lines tell us how far we are from the Equator, and longitude lines tell us how far east or west we are from prime meridian.
Many maps today include degrees of latitude and longitude.
When the magnetic compass was brought to Europe, made expeditions easier

1.- What is the function of lines of latitude and longitude?
Their function is to help us to locate precise spots in the map

2.- Which imaginary lines run North and south?
Longitude lines

3.- Which imaginary lines are based on the equator?
Latitude lines

4.-Explain what is meant by an absolute location
Absolute location is an exact and not wrong point in the map,

5.- In your opinion, Which invention was more important: the astrolabe or the magnetic compass?
The magnetic compass
why? Because it works any time, any weather, and any places

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

Doctors worry about post-antibiotic future

We are entering a time that common infections caused by bacteria will be deadly. Why? Antibiotics we have now a days are insuficient to fight a rising number of drug-resistant bacterias
Resultado de imagen para drug resistance
When a bacteria cannot be killed with some antibiotic means it has become drug-resistant, and we have to use stronger antibiotics. Once they develop that ability they can pass it on so other bacteria can become drug-resistant as well.
Now, hospitals and doctors are being careful not to overuse antibiotics, and patients have to take antibiotics as prescribed.

The US scientists are looking for new antibiotics but is a slow process so we have to be careful with drugs

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017

What's about Going to?

Going to is not a tense. It is a special structure that we use to talk about the future.
The structure of going to is:
The verb be is conjugated.
Iam goingto buya new car.
I'm goingto goswimming.

How do we use going to?

going to for intention

We use going to when we have the intention to do something. We have already made a decision before speaking. 
  • Jo has won the lottery. He says he's going to buy a Porsche.
  • We're not going to paint our bedroom tomorrow.

Resultado de imagen para going to

going to for prediction

We use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction is based on present evidence. We are saying what we think will happen. 
  • The sky is very black. It's going to snow.
  • It's 8.30! You're going to miss your train!

Resultado de imagen para going to

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017


Kim Jong-un

He has been the supreme leader of North Korea since 2011.
Kim's life's first years are a complet mistery for us in Western.
He is son of  Ko Young-hee and Kim Jong-il, an Opera singer and past dictator of North Korea.
He was in his 20's when he assumed the leadership and he has been purging the opposition since then.
In Febrary 2017 his brother Kimng-nam was murdered and police have been looking for suspects, but there are a lot of questions about the facts. Kim Jung-nam has been criticizing his brother's goverment from the exile.

Kim Jon-un's goverment has been testing nuclear weapons since 2012, from longe-range missiles to underground bomb detonation. International community has been complaining about this, in special South Korea, beacause of the important security danger means.

In summer 2012 it was revealed that Kim had taken a wife, Ri Sol-ju. The wedding's date is unknown.

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

A girl like you

I've never known a girl like you before
Now, just like in a song from days of yore
Here you come a-knocking, knocking on my door
And I've never met a girl like you before

You give me just a taste so I want more
Now my hands are bleeding and my knees are raw
'Cause now you got me crawling, crawling on the floor
And I've never known a girl like you before

You made me acknowledge the devil in me
I hope to God I'm talking metaphorically
Hope that I'm talking alegorically
Know that I'm talking about the way I feel
And I've never known a girl like you before
Never, never, never, never
Never known a girl like you before

This old town's changed so much
Don't feel that I belong
Too many protest singers
Not enough protest songs
And now you've come along
Yes, you've come along
And I've never met a girl like you before

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Present Perfect

Present Perfect is a mix between present and past. It's used for actions in  past that are important in present


afirmative sentences: 

subject + auxiliar verb (to have) + past participle + complement

negative sentences

subject + auxiliar verb (to have) + not + past participle + complement


My Chemical Romance has been considered as the equivalent of The Who for 'Facebook Generation'
Resultado de imagen para mcr

Mr Peña Nieto hasn't been the best president in Mexico History
Resultado de imagen para peña nieto finco meme

Catholism has been the most followed religion in the world for about 5 centuries
Resultado de imagen para yisus volador

Dodo birds have been extinted for 4 centuries
Resultado de imagen para dodo

I have thought about what's after death a lot of times
Resultado de imagen para puro hueso

lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Bang Bang; song review

Passive Voice; senteces

A great song from the last Green Day's album, Revolution Radio, is Bang Bang. A fresh style is brought to Green day's fans who didn't enjoyed their album '21st century breakdown'.
On August 6, 2016 was released this single. 
This song is recorded and written by Billie Joe Armstrong, and the is described by him as "the most aggressive single we've ever had".
The song is witten about "the culture of mass shooting that happens in America mixed with narcissistic social media." says Amstrong
positive critical reception from critics was received by this song upon release
1st places in several billboards were reached by this great song.
Resultado de imagen para bang bang green day

lunes, 9 de enero de 2017

My likes and Dislikes

Cochinita pibil is the best, I love it, but I can't say the same of liver of any animal, I hate it´s flavor.
Also I like to play videogames, I play at least 10 hours per week. I don´t like running, when I was about six years old I started running with my mom, and I inmediatly didn't like it perhaps because of the cold wind in my face or  the little rocks inside my shoe.
I definitly don´t like reggaeton music and not because of the rithmn, is all about the disgusting lyrics, I believe in expression freedom, but this is too much.
'Cause not all in this world is hate, I can say I like silence and not crowded places, or just listen to music and forget anything else.Resultado de imagen para matt helders

What´s happening around the world

Russia: Anti-Putin protesters plan next move as jailed opponent considers election bid Navalny, who was marched to his hearing handcuffe...