lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Bang Bang; song review

Passive Voice; senteces

A great song from the last Green Day's album, Revolution Radio, is Bang Bang. A fresh style is brought to Green day's fans who didn't enjoyed their album '21st century breakdown'.
On August 6, 2016 was released this single. 
This song is recorded and written by Billie Joe Armstrong, and the is described by him as "the most aggressive single we've ever had".
The song is witten about "the culture of mass shooting that happens in America mixed with narcissistic social media." says Amstrong
positive critical reception from critics was received by this song upon release
1st places in several billboards were reached by this great song.
Resultado de imagen para bang bang green day

lunes, 9 de enero de 2017

My likes and Dislikes

Cochinita pibil is the best, I love it, but I can't say the same of liver of any animal, I hate it´s flavor.
Also I like to play videogames, I play at least 10 hours per week. I don´t like running, when I was about six years old I started running with my mom, and I inmediatly didn't like it perhaps because of the cold wind in my face or  the little rocks inside my shoe.
I definitly don´t like reggaeton music and not because of the rithmn, is all about the disgusting lyrics, I believe in expression freedom, but this is too much.
'Cause not all in this world is hate, I can say I like silence and not crowded places, or just listen to music and forget anything else.Resultado de imagen para matt helders

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