miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Twin Cities or near enough

Twin cities... or near enough: CDMX and Berlin

CDMX and Berlin are two cities from very different parts of the world but still being similar:
CDMX is younger than Berlin by around 200 years, but now a days CDMX with it's 1485 km² is bigger than Berlin with only 891,8 km² , actually CDMX is the biggest city in the world just before Tokio.
Both cities are economical and cutural references of their continent, but Berlin is better planned than CDMX, which can be traduced in a higher life quality for it's habitants, perhaps also is something about it's population; CDMX has 8.918 million people and is more populated than Berlin, that has only 3.56 Million people.
As we can see, we are very tight here in CDMX, but we still lovin' it
Resultado de imagen para cdmx

What´s happening around the world

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