martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

The son of a terrorist


Zak Ebrahim: I am the son of a terrorist.

I recently saw a TED  TALKS video, that let my mind working.
Was the story of Zak Ebrahim,  who actually is the son of a guy that in 1993, helped by other people like him, put  bomb at World Trade Center's parking lot in New York. He grew up exposed to an extremist ideology, but he didn´t became a terrorist and actually he defends peace because during his childhood he developed a deep empaty  sense, and during  his adolescense  was exposed to many people of many cultures  and broke all the stereotypes  his father made him believe as a  child.
Zak's story  is a clear example that this world still good
Resultado de imagen de zak ebrahim

Thanksgiving day

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Let's see what's up with this....

Each year on the fourth Thursday in November americans celebrates thanksgiving day. Today’s Thanksgiving celebrations would likely be unrecognizable to attendees of the original 1621 harvest meal, it continues to be a day for Americans to come together.
This tradition gots it's origins in 1621 when european inmigrants called "Pilgrims" shared  meal with natives of the area, but it came to be a national festivity two hundred years later with president Abraham Lincoln. 
Originally this meal was made to celebrate pilgrim's first succesful harvest, and did not  included turkey.

My memories no.2

My last vacation....

Last time I went on vacation was last summer. It was a short but very exciting trip. Just for a weekend me and my family discovered the hidden beauties that only mexican caribean can offer. We enjoyed its beaches, food and weather. Was awesome. I would like to repite that trip but I'm not that lucky
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lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

My memories...

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My first love..

There´s a funny story about it c:    It was the year 2011, I was in 5th grade of elementary school and I had a friend (Yes, I had :c) called Isabel. I knew her since i was in first grade and she was the first friend I got in elementary school. The thing about this girl is that we were in different groups all third and fourth grade, so we got our distance, but when we finally got together in fifth grade I noticed I looked at her in a different way. I immediately got atracted by her. First it was cute, but sadly she didn´t felt the same about me. Time runned and the atraction just grew more and more. Sixth arrived and her feelings did not changed. One day my best friend decided was good idea to be her boyfriend, and that´s the end c:

This photo doesn´t have any sense but illustrates perfectly what I think about this story

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

If I were a girl...

If I were a girl, I´d watch Bridget Jones's and cry until fall asleep
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If I were a girl I'd sell sweet cupcakes
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If I were a girl I'd play with my best friend's feelings
Resultado de imagen para friendzone
If I were a girl I'd fall in love with the wrong guy
Resultado de imagen para chaka peinado
If I were a girl I'd tatoo my wrist with an infinite symbol
Resultado de imagen para tatuaje en la muñeca
If I were a girl I'd get an ridiculous love with nutella
Resultado de imagen para nutella unica y especial
If I were a girl I'd think that Nirvana is a clothe's mark
Resultado de imagen para nirvana shirt women
If I were a girl I'd wear pijama everywhere everytime
Resultado de imagen para pijama en la calle

If I were a girl I'd kiss a girl and I'd like it
Resultado de imagen para i kiss a girl and i like it
If I were a girl I'd make up everywhere
Resultado de imagen para makeup in the bus

What´s happening around the world

Russia: Anti-Putin protesters plan next move as jailed opponent considers election bid Navalny, who was marched to his hearing handcuffe...